Friday, October 13, 2017

What would you have done in my place?

Oct 1-Oct 12, 2017
I guess I don't have to report everything in my life, but I have been doing a lot of self examination and self development in order to be the best that I can be as a Christian, a Mother/Grandma, a Friend, a Leader, an Example and an Influence.  I want so much, to make a difference to others in my lifetime.  I want others to know the peace, comfort and Joy that a close intimate relationship with Jesus brings.  I also want others to know that this World's system doesn't work, only Gods system works and it always has and always will and that Love never fails.

Oct 6, 2017
Meeting of "Grandson", Bertrand at Aldi's, this is his version that he placed on facebook.

So, I'm in Aldi's GROCERY (Waldorf) and this nice lady ( looking like Paula Dean) says to me, "I know that look" you go ahead of me because you are a man with a plan and I don't want to get in the way (jokingly). I actually went in for 2 food items to cook for Ashley Adams, so the lady was right, I had a! 
She began to talk to me and asked the cashier if he knew Jesus? And he didn't claim it but explained he was raised in a Christian home. The lady didn't like his answer but I respected his answer and shine some light on the subject. The lady then turned to me and asked if I would help her pick up the heavy water bottles and Of course I did and the cashier was like cool he got you ma'am. I did more than just handled her water, I did all the groceries. My motto in life and still is, was to help any mother or daughter without expecting anything in return in hope that if my mom (R.I.P) or sisters Tammy Lee Cassie Spann Miller would ever need help some young man would and not expect anything in return. I truly believe you get back what you put out... I say and share all this to say, the lady asked if she could adopt me as her Grandson and I was amazed with a smile on my face because she made my day when I was only trying to make her day. She sent me this text today:
***Hi Grandson, Thank you so much for helping me with my groceries yesterday. You are so special. Our meeting was not accidental.  God has something in mind. We will just have to play it out. I have a question for you. (Grandma's  can ask, it's a rule I made up😉😘 
Q. On a scale of one to ten, what is your stress level?  Are you trusting God for/with everything?  You don't have to respond to me, I don't think the Q. was from me.
Unless you want it otherwise, you are officially adopted (I have you in my phone and my life.♥ 👵🏼 
Grandma Swann.
PS. thanks again for your help.

Oct. 9, 2017
In my pursuit of a better me, I have made some discoveries.
1.  I don't "let sleeping dogs lie".
          One of the meanings of this saying is: " let well enough alone" .
          Many of my friends and my many "Children" and "Grandchildren",      already know that about me.  I don't believe in "well enough" is good enough when excellent and reaching our full potential is better.  God   has made us in His image and His likeness and so our potential is
          far beyond what we have accepted as "well enough".  We have set our          limiting beliefs, and our boundaries, our possibilities, based on       how   we were raised, our experiences and how we perceive things. But    while it seems true to us, and what we believe, we act on, it is not           God's truth about us.  Psalms 139:14, "I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well."  We are like fleas in a jar:
          Put fleas n a jar with a lid on it, they jump and hit their heads so many      times that, finially, they figure out that if they don't jump quite as high,     they won't bump their heads.  You can then take the lid off the jar,          they have limitless freedom BUT, they don't jump out!
How about you? What is your "lid" in your mind,  that limits yoiu?

2.  You "can't teach an old dog new tricks."
          I am here to tell you, an old "dog" can learn new things!  That is          a limiting belief that stops us "old" folks from continuing to use        our brains, skills, talents and wisdom, just because we have an "old folks" excuse not to do what we can do, because we are        "retired" and we don't have to, any more.  NONSENSE! Do you          think an intellegent God would store up all this stuff over the          years, in us "old folks" to waste it on retirement?
          OK,OK enough ranting for now, but I do want to share this with you.

I have had a cold/flu for a week (over it now) but had scheduled a Zoom meeting (Computer video conferencing presentation) for last Tuesday at 4 PM.  Since it was a new thing for me and I was in charge of it, I had studied, listened to tutorials etc. to be prepared.  I woke up that morning, feeling like(not so good) but "The show must go on".  I did a "dry run" with Sallie at 1 PM to test everything to make sure it worked, it did, but I still felt bad and was coughing.  The miracle was, that at 3:55 PM, I felt great. I did the Meeting although their was no one at the meeting.  I  thought I had recorded it (NOT) and right after I finished the last word, and turned the meeting off, I had a coughing spell. 
          Sallie had called me on my phone while I was doing the presentation, to tell me she had tried to get on the meeting  but couldn't.  I was in the middle of the presentation so I couldn't talk to her, but I put the phone on speaker, so she would know, and she  could listen.  Well, she was the only one who heard me.  I had committed an operator error and gave out the wrong connection number for the meeting, when I sent the invitations!

 What would you have done in my place?

I could have:
                   1.  Cancelled the meeting because I had the flu. (Given up)
                   2.  Given up, or not done my best, during the presentation,                            because no one was attending. (Compromised my standards based on others perceived response)
                   3.   Got hurt and angry because no one "cared enough" to in the meeting. (Assume something, and take it personally)
                   4.  Got upset at the Zoom people because their                                   instructions were unclear. (Blame someone else)
We all have choices as to how we perceive and handle situations.  I believe that with every "failure", there is an opportunity.  And our assumptions are usually wrong, and there is usually another way of looking at it.
          The opportunity:
                   1.  I learned to trust God, even when it appears as if it will                                        not work, (the flu), if you know you are doing the right thing, (In God's will) it will always work to your good.(If you love God and are called according to His purpose
                   2.  I learned how to not make the same mistakes again.
                   3.  I got a more thorough training by experience.
                   4.  I learned that following instructions work!
                   5.  I learned to take responsibility for my mistakes and not                                       blame others.
                   6. I learned that how things turn out immediately does not                                        determine the real outcome, that is to come.

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