Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Leaving the Lake again

So much is happening in the spiritual realm that I don't even see, and it is high impact even when I don't see it.  It is so amazing to become aware of the fact that there is so much more activity and happenings in the spiritual world and it is very important to know whose side you are on.  When you know Jesus personally, and abide in Him you win, because you are on the winning side.    He died for us and has given us the keys to the Kingdom and we are truly free because our battles are being fought and won by Heavenly Hosts against the ungodly.  You may not get it and I surely didn't for years while being in a traditional Church.  It was not taught and I am so blessed that I learned about it even in the latter part of my life.  Father God is so deep and powerful and amazing and so gloriously merciful and loving toward us!  He doesn't have to be.  He chose to love us unconditionally and then we treat Him so badly.
 Well, we are about to leave the Lake again, this may be the last time for awhile.  I am being nudged out of the RV life to be more stable in a single location.  It will give us a better location for fellow- shipping, where people will know where we are and can come.  My Grandson is a Chef and loves to entertain, so it will be a perfect fit for both of us.  We are set to go into the Apartment  around Feb. 9th if all goes well.  It is a lovely luxury 2 bedroom, 2 bath with a Community pool, exercise room, and Bowling Alley, and a movie theater.  We are subleasing it for 3 months and have the option to continue the lease after that time without a deposit.  We will be paying $400 less per month than the regular rent because the tenant had to leave before the lease was up.  It is such a blessing.  We don't have furniture, but Father God will work that out.  We have everything for the Kitchen and the rest will be worked out.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Back at the Lake


I am so sorry that I have not blogged until now. 😒 It is hard for this old lady to keep up with life and things are just moving so fast.  This is not what I signed up for as a 77 year old, but Father God's plans were already set and I didn't listen when I should have so now I am catching up with Him.  His grace is sufficient but He is wasting no time like I did.
 I am back where I started from 2 weeks ago in South Bay, Florida, on the last blog.  I didn't deal with the slow leak in the tire until I got ready to leave Breezy Hill (there is no hill within 3 hours).  My Grandson decided to go on an R & R to Boca Raton at an Air B&B, which is about 10 miles from Popano Beach and he left 2 days before and was not available to help with the fix'in to leave.  The hose that was, is still hanging, taped with duct tape(standard issue with RV's), I will deal with that later because I haven't heard from my "go-to-RV-guy yet.
When I got ready to leave, the tire was low again  and after trying to call my roadside assistance service and getting no where fast, I called my Grandson that works in the RV Park.  He came immediately and drove me in his truck, to two tire places until we found one that would deal with the RV.  I set it up to bring the RV back.  He drove me back to the RV and I drove back to the Tire place.

I adopted two more Grandchildren and I got to Minister to them, as both of them had lost loved ones within the last year.  After changing the tire stem to one that will last 12 years or more, and checking the rest of the tires, they charged me $6 and sent me on my way.  God is so good!  I left my car near the entrance of the RV Park and was able to hook up the car.  The most difficult part is telling whether the lights are working on the car after it is hooked up. (brake lights, turn signals, etc...)  Since it is hard to apply the brakes on the RV and at the same time look at the back of the car to see if they work, I asked two people passing by if they could help, they did and told me they weren't working, then went on their way.  After checking the connections, getting back in, getting out, getting back in, several times, I turned the connections around, put the turn signal on and WALAH!  It worked.  The lesson I learned, don't ask French speaking Canadians to help (they didn't help much), and if the turn signals work, trust God that the rest of the lights will follow.  They did!  So I made the 70 miles with no more incidents and I unhooked and hooked up by my self.  Just Jesus and me, like it used to be.

A lot has happened in the Ministry, I have been placed as Ministry Head over the Membership Ministry.  My Grandson is over Hospitality and the Ministry is growing, we can see the fruit almost before the tree is grown.  There are so many people who have been hurt, damaged, judged and disillusioned by the traditional Church and they are in dire need of restoration.  Father God has another plan that is much like the early Church where those that believe and are on one accord meet together "breaking bread from house to house"., Acts 2:42-47  I have shared with many of you, the vision and you can find it on my personal website: under Grandma's Ministry..


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Wow, the first day of 2020 and I am blogging!  I’m amazed that 20 years ago we were all dealing with the new millennium and all the fears, changes, alarms, challenges.  Now 20 years later, we are into a new decade, with all the opportunities to be better than the last 20 years, but knowing that Father God has birthed us into new beginnings and provided everything we need for accomplishing His will for our lives.
 It is so simple to me, (not easy) if we give up everything we want, to do it God’s way, the way He set it up, everything is better.  He gives us everything we need, (not everything we want) but miraculously, it is just perfect for us, how did He know?  It is called trusting God.  Check it out, who do we really trust?  Really? Banks? Self? Money? Our own mind? Our job or employment? Experience? Our thoughts? www?  Social Media? The cloud? Other people? Electricity? Our phone? Water system. Government?  America? Our Parents?  Church?  Car? Etc…  If we live long enough, (or are aware enough) we can see that our (human, world) systems cannot be truly trusted.  Guess whose system can be trusted, every time, all the time, beyond and before time?  God even made time.  Soooo, why is it so hard for us to give up our way for His, completely?
WANT A STRESS FREE LIFE?  DO IT GOD’S WAY!!!!  It is the only way.  He even gave us a map, His Holy word, and if that isn’t enough, He gave us His Holy Spirit that gives us the discernment and true interpretation.  We have no excuse although it would seem better if we had one.  Here we go again, thinking our way instead of His.  HE LOVES US INSPITE OF US!  Go figure!
Well, Grandma Swann went to a New Year’s Party last night!!!!  I drove 70 miles to go to a real party.  WHAT????  I even danced!  What???  Knowing my history, you would understand why that was a BIG deal!  When Father tells you to do something, you better do it, at least that is what I am learning.  Do you walk and talk with Father God that way?  He loves you and wants that so much for you, (with you).  If not I suggest that you make it a 2020 goal to give everything up to God your Father, ask Jesus into your heart and let Him guide and direct your life from now on and forever, it is the only thing that works!  HE LOVES AND YEARNS FOR US SO!
PS.  At the party, I met a new Granddaughter and Great Granddaughter, new friends (I only knew the Hostess before), after midnight we all held hands in a circle and I was asked to pray the New Year in, and I taught them the song,  “Bind us together” and we all sang.  “Some plant, some water, God gives the increase.